Tuesday, October 7, 2014

A month of Near Silence.....and Why

Farmer Brown really caught me off guard, and touched me deeply. He made me realize that there are people in my life that I am failing to be the person they need, and the person God intends. We all have work to do, but it must start somewhere. I know I must take the first step. Through Farmer Brown I realized I need to make significant changes not just for myself but for them as well. Farmer Brown is not the first stranger to speak to me like this either. When we met the hitchhiker a little more than a year ago my eyes were opened to truths then as well. I was pushed into doubt and frustration at that time. With Farmer Brown I received confirmation of things I knew which caused me to begin a battle with personal demons, a lot of "whys" and even some internal refusals.

 It is important to "be still and listen" I am still, and constantly listening. Quite often receiving the message is much easier than taking the necessary action. There have been times I have felt tormented with the things the Lord has wanted me to speak or placed in my heart to do. I have reached the point in certain areas that I understand and have reached a point of acceptance, between the hitchhiker a little more than a year ago and Farmer Brown just a month ago. It was not easy to come to the place I am now, and believe me I am still struggling, so if you are around me, understand my very real silence at times. 

I realized so many things in the days after seeing Farmer Brown in the hospital parking lot. I continued to think about his words and our interaction. I needed some time to myself, some time to not "share" myself. 

I am back, I have some things to share this month. Some of the posts many of you may recognize, I feel they are worth sharing with important messages.

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