Sunday, August 31, 2014


Roughly 3 weeks ago we opened up our door to invite Time Warner to plug cable into our home. With this came lots of news media; this was the motivating factor for me. Yes, I am a news junkie. That may come as a shock to a lot of people; I am a closet junkie. I keep a great many of my political views to myself. Attempting to discuss politics in the home I came from always meant things were going to become volatile. That didn't just go for politics, religion was another subject that could not be civilly discussed. To this day I rarely discuss politics except on a surface level. Religion is a different matter. I will talk about it all day and to anyone. Politics have no baring on anyone's eternity. knowledge regarding the truth of Jesus Christ does. I will engage in a discussion with anyone at anytime in those matters. Just not politics.

When it comes to reading and watching the news what matters? Why get worked up? We enjoy it, people enjoy feeling. Those in media know this. Social media is no different.  Some people enjoy feeling the wrong emotions. Some people enjoy attention in the wrong way and they will do nefarious things to get the attention they are seeking. Some are in need of it because of psychological issues they have, others are just mean because they lack love. Regardless of the reasons these attention seekers are relentless and will create facts and issues that are none existant and to great lengths to perpetuate a myth. The internet is a big wide world full of lots of personalities. Each of us are responsible for what we allow into our homes when we are clicking. Much different than when we turn on a TV. This was one reason we did not have cable for so many years. I prefer to have control over what I allow into my home, but I can't stand to give up my addiction to the news now that I have had to taste of 24/7 access!

As I stand in the kitchen preparing food for our cookout today I watch some TED talks as per my usual, some habits are hard to break even with the 24/7 news access.  I came across this talk. Meaningful in many ways. She makes many powerful statements that we can all learn from. My advice after hearing this, take control of what you click and even watch. When you stop clicking, it may stop happening.

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