Sunday, August 10, 2014

A Birthday of Blessings

I received news at work Monday that generally speaking would devastate most people. The reality is that I have been praying about several situations for quite some time; it took very little time for me to
realize that this was the Lord providing me with clear direction. Do not mistake me, I am frustrated, but I trust His word and I know several things; one of those is that all things work together for the good of those who are called according to His purpose. Each of us has a purpose, a calling. Do I hear His calling in my life, I do. There are times I try to ignore it, times like Jonah I ignore Him and try to rebel. I pretend I can run away from what He is asking me to do because I feel like it is more than I can do. When I do this I find myself in the belly of a proverbial whale.

So here I am, spit out onto the shore, with the knowledge of what I must do, again.

There is always joy in the journey. I never focus to long and hard on the darkness. I try to find the light. 

Heather Riley turned 15 on Tuesday August 5th. I have had tickets to Carowinds since the start of summer. Each year we get to go as a family compliments of the Make a Wish Foundation. This is an event we look forward to all year. This year I started to realize that I was not going to be able to go with the family even though we planned to go on Heathers birthday. I was coming to the conclusion that I would have to tell Andrew and the girls I had to work and they would be spending Heathers birthday without me at the amusement park. My heart was broken over the decision, but I was confidant they would have an excellent time. Andrew has a natural ability to make sure the girls have a good time, his smile just makes people feel good.

Several events that could have been viewed as devastating occurred and I was able to go. I am not going into the details of those events, I will say this though. It was the answer to a prayer. There have been things going on that needed resolution and this gave me the clear direction that I was seeking. I have felt like a lost sheep for some time. I am also thankful for the ability to understand His word and find comfort for I know that no matter what our circumstances are the Lord is with me and will never leave me, I have strength and courage-  "Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.”  Deuteronomy 31:6. Knowing that and  the fact that everything is working together, good and bad for my good I am not worried, I am celebrating the moments of joy I have right now. Those moments are things like spending Heathers 15th birthday with her and other family members we had no idea we would see.

The morning we were leaving for Carowinds we discovered her half brother Travis was there with his girlfriend. Heather loves her brother, since we weren't certain we would see him we kept it a secret until we knew we would find him. We also discovered The girls cousin, Jade was there. Not only did this happen but Heathers older sister who wasn't able to make it showed up. Just after lunch our little family of five had become a family reunion of ten and a very happy group.We could never have coordinated this!  It was hard enough trying to plan a trip with just the four girls.
The day was a wonderful day of pure joy. After leaving Carowinds Heathers sister Sarah and cousin were able to spend two days with us, her brother Travis was able to come the next day and have dinner with us. It was excellent. Family is so important to Heather.  It is always amazing when you are able to look back at an event and catch a glimpse of of how the Lord is using a piece of it to work in your favor. I know there is so much more to come. No harm shall come to us, unless it is for our good. I look forward to the doors that are going to open in our future, I am curious as to which doors are going to close. No matter what I know there are great things headed our way.

1 comment:

  1. There's truly nothing like seeing the Lord work things out for our pure earthly joy of something so seemingly trivial (in terms of eternal matters) as spending a day with family at an amusement park. Those things let us know He truly DOES care about everything in our lives, not just the "important" or "spiritual" things. He ENJOYS making us happy, even just fleeting, earthly happy. But He also knows when we need sorrow and heartache to help us grow in our faith. He truly is a loving father who desires only the best for us, even when we can't see it (or can see it and dread it).
