Tuesday, August 19, 2014

A Birthweek Surrounded by Friends

This past week has been amazing. August is a month full of birthdays in our family. First we celebrate Heather Rileys then my own followed by Britts a week later. Another year to celebrate love and life. I look back at all we have overcome as a family and all we still face in the coming year. I know we have much to be thankful for even in our trials the Lord is working for us, in those trials I am always thankful. There has yet to be an event we have been through that I have not looked back upon in retrospect and said “yes, I see the Lord was carrying us in those times in preparation for this” 

 This year on my birthday I was invited to Carowinds and had a great time hanging out with my

friend Charles. I really enjoyed getting my picture taken with the Peanuts Gang. I am just a big kid at heart. When I don't have to be a professional I enjoy laughing and having a good time. I gravitate toward people and situations that allow that part of me to come out. Life is so serious it is important to relax and smile, laughter is vital. Everyone that knows me knows I have a playful nature. I love to see a smile on the faces of others around me as well. Smiles from the inside out are new for us since moving. We are experiencing real love and joy in a safe environment and it is amazing.

As the week continued more surprises were to occur. We were reunited with friends very dear to us. Friends that came to me and said“yes, this is one of the reasons for your trial, we needed to know it was possible to survive it. There are situations in life no individual should ever endure, no mother, father, sister, brother or any care giver. When you find yourself in rough waters it is good to know another has rafted the river before and made it out alive. This mom and I have been friends almost longer than I can remember. Our children share a diagnosis, but they share so much more. They share a friendship and a bond that doesn't always need words. Entire play dates have passed without a word spoken, they very simply communicated through the language of commonality and camaraderie. That does not require spoken language.

This photo was taken when our children were 5 or 6, at the Childrens Museum in Greensboro. It was a wonderful day to grown and learn. This past week when Michele and I watched the kids play, in our minds this is what we saw. Two young children smiling innocent smiles with a world of opportunity ahead of them. Totally unaware of the unspeakable things either would endure in years to come. 

A friend moving away is one of the hardest things in life. Losing touch with someone that holds a piece of your heart is difficult, but when you are reunited it is one of the sweetest moments in life you can taste. The second you see that person is like tasting the most delectable fruit on the tree. My friend and I don't get to see each other often, time and distance are not a friend of ours, but when we do it is amazing and as if no time has ever passed (except the fact we are starting to look a little older, just like those kids pictured above) This week was our time to see each other, few hugs in my life ever felt so sweet..

Yeah, okay, so that isn't a photo of us in a sweet made for the big screen embrace, you certainly didn't think we would be all emotional on camera did you? One thing Michele and I know how to do - is laugh is the face of difficulty; we have maintained our sense of humor and through that maintained our sense  of self while holding our families together though the unimaginable. I openly admit I love this woman in a way no one could ever understand (dude, not like that!- and M, dry those tears up! I hear your snottin' all the way down south)

Spending even one day with together after years was like no time ever passed. The amazing thing is how true this held for our children. Two kids that had not seen each other in years came together as though it had only been hours since their last play date.
 We wondered what would happen when a third person came into the picture. If he would be accepted or if E would retreat and become quiet and retreat to a corner. Inside I knew what would happen. I have watched the magic of Andrew with special needs kids more than once. He has such a gentle and calm presence I felt confident that they would all have fun. Michele and I watched in anticipation.

In no time at all there was splashing and laughter from the three as if they were old friends. Before we could even talk about it we noticed these three laughing and having more fun than ever imagined.

One of Heathers favorite games is jumping into the pool. These guys found a game that was even more fun. Andrew was a great sport letting the kids climb on his back and launching off like rockets. There were times it looked like they were flying!

                                            What goes up must come down
                                   Heather Riley wasn't the only one to take a jump.
                                               This boy is ready for the long jump!

After Andrew pretended to be the diving board they wanted to have a competition.
 All three of them jumped in over and over; who can make the biggest splash? Who can jump he farthest? Who can do a cannonball? belly flop anyone? I could sit for hours and watch just Heather and Andrew play these games, having Heathers oldest friend laughing and playing too was heavenly!

Everyone had worked up an appetite and it was time for me to close up the pool. Andrew took us all out for Mexican at one of our favorite Mexican restaurants. We had a great time sharing a meal together. After dinner was done and we had said good bye Britt and I both cried a little on the way home. Britt turned to me and said she missed having "real people" to spend time with. While that may seem like a strange comment, it really wasn't. There are so many particulars that we "get" when we talk, sometimes just a knowing glance is all it takes and we can laugh about something. I don't think I realized just how much I missed moments like that.
 We had a wonderful day and all feel blessed to have had the opportunity to spend such a great time together. I know the kids were happy to be reunited, as well as to get home and into their beds.

Heathers Brithday is done, my Birthday has passed now we are gearing up to celebrate Britts Birthday, the girls sister Carolines Birthday is just a couple of days after Britts. All month we have had excitement and joy for the Birthday celebrations. We are excited to see what the days hold. We don't make plans right now, we take the days as they come, moment by moment to live, laugh and love.

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