Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Back to School

Summer is over and the buses are slowing down traffic again. There is a slight chill in the air every morning; how quickly time passes. I thought about the passing of time as I looked at my girls sleeping early Monday morning. Britt about to wake up and start her senior year in high school, Heather about to start 8th grade. It seems like just yesterday that they were "real" babies not just my "babies" I can close my eyes and so easily go back to the hectic days of diapers and packing book bags for the two older sisters (both now close to finishing college) Trying to feed an infant, change a toddlers diaper and get everyone in school so I could get to work. Those mornings were so chaotic, but when I close my eyes and think back. I would give anything to bring those moments into my life now. Not to go back, I don't ever want to go back, but to have those precious moments and experience them differently; for my older girls to know the love and support of a mom and "dad" just like Britt and Heather have known for the last few years. There are times I find myself getting upset when I linger too long on those thoughts, I remind myself that the Lord blessed us with incredible people that helped the older girls develop into beautiful self assured women. Their lives were enriched with amazing experiences, just different than what the "little" girls have gotten. ...and those were the thoughts as I looked at my sleeping girls on the first day of school. It is bitter sweet as they grow up, so many wonderful things are happening for them as they grow, as parents you can't help but have a desire to hang on just a bit longer.

Many of you have watched them grow up over the last 10 years through various means. Some in person, some simply through my words and videos. Regardless of how you have come to know us you blinked like I did and the girls have arrived at this moment in life.

 Kids are really funny about pictures when they reach certain ages. Just to get these two first day of school photos nearly took an act of congress. Heathers hand is off of her face simply because her nurse bribed her with Starbucks, yes, she is a little coffee drinker. Make that a skinny vanilla latte please. She is caught between growing up and being a little girl.Then that silly sister Britt is no different. Notice this is a "selfie" she is a teen so of course it is. I pulled out my camera, you might have thought I pointed a water gun at her and asked her to engage me in a battle before school. It was horrible. This is the girl that takes pictures of herself frequently and for no reason. I took a couple of pictures and gave up. When I picked my phone back up I discovered she had taken several of these candid selfies for me. Certainly not the "getting ready" photos I had planned on getting. oh, well.

The bus came for Britt then the van came for Heather.

Heather Ri is doing something a little different this year. Andrew and I discussed in the IEP meeting last year that we felt she needed to be removed from dance class. She had expressed frustration with the class; and anyone that has seen the school dance performance videos can see how miserable she was in the class. Over the summer she had the opportunity to attend a dance camp with 4 and 5 year olds and loved every second of it. This was a very different environment than what takes place in a typical middle school dance class. With this knowledge Andrew addressed the situation when he was handed her schedule on "meet the teacher" night. Since she is in a self contained class room she only goes into the regular ed class for one elective. We were given a list of classes to look over and decide  what to move her into. Art appeared to the the best option. Heather loves art, she carries around a notebook and pencil all the time at home. She has always loves painting and anything that allows her to express herself creatively. We were told it might take two weeks to change the schedule; she starts tomorrow. I love how quickly things get taken care of. I continue to receive affirmations in moments of doubt that our move was the right thing to do. As long as we continue  have faith, to rely full on the Lord,  He will continue to provide for us and guide our way.

Faith is the assurance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen.

Britt had a very tough year last year. She had some significant health issues last year as well. She was able to maintain her grades with a lot of exempted work. I sat in several meetings last year faced with a team of teachers that stated it was going to be impossible for her to pass even with exempted work. They stated that no student would be able to pass exams in her situation. I simply asked them to give her a chance. Britt isn't just any student. They were planning on her failure before giving her a chance. After our final discussion they were willing to work with us and allow her the opportunity to try, I actually almost felt like I was being humored. It didn't matter. Each of her teachers were on board, almost.  The only teacher that gave us a hard time was her Spanish instructor. Which I found ironic. We live in a mostly Spanish speaking community; Britt is immersed in not only Spanish language but culture as well. She refused to exempt any work and stated she had to be present to receive instruction daily. Which went against the 504. She promised me it would be impossible for her to pass the exam but if she passed the exam she would pass the class and all work would be exempted. I felt like I was making a bet on a race horse, it felt like we should be spitting in the palms of our hands and shaking on it. I was not going to let her fail, Britt is very intelligent. The end of the year came and she passed the exam, one point away from getting an A (I can only imagine this teacher was shocked and unhappy, she isn't  nice person.) I wanted her to be happy in the meeting, she wasn't. That was upsetting, but I had to let it go. Sitting across from her once more was very rewarding. In my head I was being very juvenile and saying "nanananana" but I kept it mature (even though I kept saying that with my inside the head voice) and adult by just reminding her that no student should be denied the opportunity to succeed just as no student should be expected to fail. She passed all of her classes with A's and B's even though she missed more than 100 days of school.  This year she is in honors classes and is very excited about several of them. I am impressed with the options the school offers. Britt has the opportunity to take an Honors Forensic Science class and so far loves the class, she has also been very talkative about her Honors English class and appears to have teachers she likes well. I pray this is a good year for both girls.

As we enter the fall season I have a renewed sense of hope and knowledge that we are leading the girls in the right direction. There are issues we continue to work on, but that is a reality every one faces in life. As Christians we are growing and working on becoming the best versions of ourselves each day. We succeed and we fail. When we fail we look at what we did and make the conscious effort not to repeat the same mistake again. When we succeed we feel good and find it easy to thank the Lord. During those times of  trial failure we shouldn't ever forget to always rejoice as well.

Don't be timid, walk by faith, trust the Lord to guide your way. Fully submit your heart and life. The difference it makes is amazing. 


  1. I love to hear how the girls are thriving because of your faith!

  2. Its definitely not just mine. The influence of others in their lives has been monumental. Andrew, as you know has been a huge influence in their lives and certainly gets credit for who they have become as well.
