Sunday, April 13, 2014

My Official Protest Post & Intentions

Yes, this is it. My protest... I do not like the Caring Bridge format change at all. I tried, I did some serious pep taking and it just didn't work. I  chronicled Heathers journey from a "simple" epilepsy diagnosis to the catastrophic Lennox Gastaut Syndrome. Our family has been through many changes over the years, the laughter and tears are found in that journal. I do not plan on closing it. I will keep it there. I am not ambitious enough to move all of that here. I do not have the kind of time it would take either. Even though Heather is stable for the most part, we live a very busy life. I am starting this blog with the best of intentions, I actually hope it will be more successful than the journal was becoming.

So, with that said- why else am I protesting Caringbridge?  Oh, there are a lot of things that over the years I saw and did not like. Unfortunately as many of you know I stopped following other children quite a few years ago. The ones I had grown to "know" I starting to talk to on FaceBook. Carinsbridge became a little bit like a virtual High School. It was all about popularity, I even heard moms talking about it in various circles I was a part of. Who got the most guest book signatures, who had the highest number of visitors and who was the sickest kid on the block. In this kind of arena I certainly don't want to be any of the above. Honestly I always wanted a typical life and found myself amazed at that type of competition. I stopped online support groups because of it and over time pulled away from a lot of other special needs activities as well. I have always been here for those that found their way, I am always willing to help anyone that asks but I do so with caution. There are just to many people with unattended to mental health issues.

Instead, here we are, in our little corner of the world. I will share with you in a way I feel comfortable. I will continue to share our life, but instead of a focus on Heather Rileys medical journey with Lennox Gastaut Syndrome this is the journey of our family.

Everyone has a story to tell, each person is a unique individual rich with a history each his own. It is the way in which we tell our stories that makes all the difference.
 Lives are lived, and our tales are told..
 This one is ours... 



  1. First comment, WOOT! What an honor. Like the new blog, Denae. Look forward to your frequent updates. :P ;)

    1. Thanks! I am pretty excited about it! I love the reply feature-

    2. You know i will be following you here! I have fallen in love with your entire family!
