Friday, March 2, 2018

Worm Moons of March

The first full moon of March is called the Worm Moon, the earthworms start to come out as the ground thaws, its an odd name really, but so it is called. It is a beautiful  moon, if you take the time to stop and notice it. 

Living in the city we have a fair amount of light pollution, so a dark night sky full of stars is not a normal thing around here. Why even bother looking up really? At least not until you have driven quite a distance away from the hustle and bustle. Tonight was different; when Heather and I got into the car you couldn't help but notice the largest, brightest moon I have seen all year. 
The sight of the moon took me back in time several years to  another Worm Moon of March.

Andrew and I had taken Heather to see her geneticist in Asheville,  we were leaving a restaurant, Heather was bounding ahead for the car, when Andrew and I both stopped in awe of the moon rising over the trees. I remember just standing there side by side watching in wonder at Gods creation and cherishing the moment. Now every time I see a beautiful full moon, I not only remember that night, but I thank God for providing that perfect moment in time, a memory I will forever have and hold dear to my heart no matter where we all end up. I will have that one seemingly small moment forever in my heart. 

A lesson I learned very long ago, slow down, don't be in a rush for the "next thing" enjoy each moment for that moment is a gift. The little things that are happening could very well be lasting memories for the people you are with, or even yourself. How do you want to be remembered? What do you want to remember? 

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