Sunday, February 25, 2018

Gods Timing

It was several years ago that I found myself kneeling in the church on a sunny afternoon pouring my heart out to God. Then in the silence of the majestic beauty that surrounded me, when I felt as though even God was turning His back on me I heard a voice which was as real as mine, state "in My time, not yours." 

I have often looked back on that moment in my life and remembered those words and that gentle reassurance. I have learned through many trials in life to be patient, that was certainly not something which was simply granted to me. I consistently remind myself how everything happens in Gods time, not mine.

When I reflect back over the journey my family has been on I  can see God all along the way, I also see times when my impatience has flared and the results of it. When I look back to the day I was on my knees in the church I never would have pictured my family positioned where we are today, nothing is ever perfect, but looking back five years we are closer than we have ever been. Everything is happening in Gods time.
