Friday, January 23, 2015

January 2015

The first month of a new year is coming to a close. 2015 has started out by taking my breath away. My baby Sarah turned 20, I now have two children in their 20's! That is something I can't even begin to wrap my mind around. Adult children. Even though I am (gasp) almost 40 on the inside I still feel like a 20 something quite often.

 Another "baby" had her last day of school, Brittany will be graduating high school next month. This month however she walked the halls of high school for the last time as a senior. It is on to bigger and better things. It is time to really plan for the future now.

Heather Riley has been amazing us with her growth and development. She cheers with typical girls. It was amazing. As her squad was handed second place trophies it realized instantly I needed to publicly thank the therapist that worked with her over the years too. I know their patience with her (and me at times) has brought her to the place she is now too.

We said good bye to our sedan and have an SUV, I was heart broken but am learning to adjust. Life is full of changes, and that was just one. Maybe it was the Lords way of preparing me for bigger changes He had in store. I do not like change much, big or small.

 I am asking for prayers as I spend the next few days in prayer myself. I have a personal decision to make. A door is before me, a door that could be the biggest change my girls and I have ever experienced. I have spent the last week praying, crying and considering all of the possibilities. I have a week left before I must make a final decision. I do not want to divulge what this decision is right now, I do not want opinions and the well meaning advice of others to cloud my ability to discern what I am to do. This is a difficult enough decision. I will ask for my friends to pray for me to have clarity of mind and direction. I continue to pray for peace in my heart to follow the Lords will without protest or fear, especially at this time in our lives.